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Bid Farewell to our Martyr Brothers in Syria

We’ve performed defaulting prayer in Fatih Mosque on behalf of our Chechnya, Dagestan and Syrian brothers martyrized in their fight against Bashar Assad’s forces in numerous Syrian Cities

Bid Farewell to our Martyr Brothers in Syria

Defaulting prayer in Fatih Mosque on behalf of our Chechnya, Dagestan and Syrian brothers was conducted, who were living in Turkey as immigrants and martyrized Syria.


Today, the Muslims gathered in Fatih Mosque upon call by Solidarity with Syrian People Platform for defaulting prayer conducted after Friday Prayer on behalf of those who were informed to be martyrized, including  Ömer Bkerati (16), Viem el-Batal (19), Abdullah Dagestani (20) and  Rüstem Gelayev (23).


Organized by common call of İMKANDER, ÖZGÜRDER and İHH, in addition to other Islamic organizations under the banners of Free Syrian Army and Tevhid Flags, in addition to the photographs of the Martyrs, there were many people who burst into tears hearing touching speeches of the parents of Ömer Bkerati, our Martyr brother. 


Managed by Murat Özer, President of İMKANDER, the funeral prayer during the movement was leaded by Eymen Ebu Osman, father of Ömer Bkerati, our Martyr brother.  Having leaded the prayer, the father delivered a speech to the crowd.


“Martyrs Happiness As Opposed to Our Sorrow”

Eymen Ebu Osman, Ömer’s father, reminded the verses of Quran on the martyrs and said that our martyrs were happy, even if we felt deep sorrow for them.  Ebu Osman concluded his speech by adding that, the God wouldn’t spare helping hand on behalf of the martyrs and that the resistance movement would be in victory in Syria soon.


“Muslims’ Sacrifices Throughout History”

Providing transcription of Ebu Osman’s speech, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ağırakça also delivered a speech.  He said that he know Şaza Hanım, Ömer Bkerati’s mother very well in Turkey. He said that Şaza Hanım joined to Mavi Marmara Movement.  Pointing out of the fact that the Muslims sacrificed throughout the history for the Islamic cause and they displayed their determination in that sense by all means, Ağırakça criticized those who left the people alone fighting with their all might condemning them as the deserter.  Severely criticizing those who argued that those who were against Assad’s regime could not be considered as the martyrs, Ağırakça said that supporting Baas regime was nothing but a filthy contempt.


Ağırakça added that Golan Heights were under occupation and still those who cannot resist to Israel at all cannot be considered as the protectors of Palestine and hat nothing can be considered as the equitable reason for anyone who had no mercy to the people and nothing can be an excuse for such a massacre.  Ağırakça prayed to the God for the final day of the victory against the Assad regime that killed about 50 thousand innocent people in Syria.


“Celebrating Wedding of Martyr, as Considered by Mother Şaza Hanım”  

Şaza Hanım, mother of Ömer Bkerati delivered extremely sentimental speech.  Praising God for causing to meet with the martyrdom, Şaza Hanım tried to go on her speech while she burst into tears.  Acting bravely in spite of all her sorrow, she said that she dedicated Ömer while she was pregnant to him and wished to be martyrized in the cause of God.   Describing the funeral program as “wedding of martyrdom”, Şaza Hanım called all Muslims to back the Jihad in order to have Syrian people achieve to the freedom.  Pointing out of the fact that Syrian resistance was the door to enter into Mescid-i Aksa (Masjid al-Aqsa), Şaza Hanım added: “God is sufficient for us, this is because God is magnificent representative.”

Murat Özer, President of İMKANDER said in his speech that the people from different regions of Islamic geography like Chechnya, Dagestan, and Turkey upon their Syrian brothers’ outcry was another proof on reconstruction of the Ummah.  He continued: "We hereby witness that Ömer, Viem, Abdullah and Rüstem brothers of ours fought in the cause of God bravely in their young ages and they wee religious and almohad Muslims.  We gathered here to confess such a glorious martyrdom!” and requested the witness of the community.


“Describing Syrian Situation as Civil War is Discourse of Assad’s Proponents”

The last speech was delivered by Kenan Alpay, Vice President of ÖZGÜRDER.  Pointing out of the fact that there were hundreds of thousands mother like Şaza Hanım, suffering from sorrow of their children, Alpay remarked that it was impossible to describe the torture.  Responding to the criticism by referring to the young ages of 16-year-old Ömer Bkerati, about 20-year-old Syrian, Chechnya, Dagestani, and other brothers by reminding Furkan Doğan, martyrized during Mavi Marmara raid, Alpay continued: “These young people have all been excellent example for us by opting to follow God and Prophet rather than spending their spring times by frequenting to the bars, amusement and futurity.”

Criticizing the discourse of “Civil War in Syria”, Alpay said that this was nothing but what the proponents of Assad asserted. Proposing to question whether those arguing the reason of Syrian conflict were nothing but the confrontation between Shiah and Sunnite sects which was in fact identifying the Shiah Sect with Nusayri Gangs, Alpay continued that all what happening was the genocide-like torture of Baas regime at its followers for more than 40 years they deserved for their own people.  He also concluded that not only leftists and socialist segment, but also those individuals and groups who pretended as having Islamic understanding was unfortunately behaving on behalf of Assad regime.


“Syria Occupied by Baas Rather than Westerners”

Asserting ongoing occupation of Baas regime in Syria rather than US or other forces, Alpay said that participation of young brothers from different countries and nationalities into Syrian Jihad was nothing but the concrete reflection of the content of “Muslims Brothers” Verse.  Remarking imminent victory of Syrian Resistance thanks to Ömer, Viem, Abdullah, Rüstem and other brothers and expressing his belief in God’s justice in punishing the tyrants, Alpay concluded his speech, saying: “Tel him: You unbelievers, you will be defeated and drifted to the hell.”


“Syrian Revolution Victory Thanks to its Martyrs!”

The movement was concluded by saying prayer by Necmettin Irmak, followed by unfurling banners of “Victory Soon Thanks God!”, “Salut Martyrs, Go On Resistance!” “Down With Baas Dictatorship! Long Live Syrian Revolution”,  And “Syrian Revolution Victory Thanks to its Martyrs!” The movement witnessed the Assad-opposed slogans under frequent Prayers.

Photographs by  Murat Kurt– Emine Nur Çakır

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