We warn against new assasinations

Murat Özer, Our Chairman spoke to Yeni Akit Newspaper warning against new assasination attempts against Chechen Leaders.

We warn against new assasinations

Özer gave an interview to Hüzeyin Kulaoğlu from yeni Akit Newspaper addressed to Government authorities during interview from which many parts quoted by various news agents.

Yeni Akit / Hüseyin Kulaoğlu

Murat Özer Chairman of Insani Musafaa ve Kardeşlik Derneği (Imkander) got famous for providing assistance to Caucasian immigrants mainly Chechens mentioned that new assasination attempts may be committed against Chechen leaders took refugee in Turkey who are fighting for independence against Russia. Özer reminded that 6 Chechen leaders were murdered in 4 assasination committed by Russian agents in Istanbul so far and mentioned that the government did nothing to protect Chechens after said events.

No indictment was prepared regarding 3 Chechens

Chairman Özer reminded that Chechen commanders berkhazh Musaev (Commander hamzat), Rustam Altemirov and Zavrbek Amriev were assassinated recently in September and emphasized that legal procedures go nowhere and even tried to swept under the carpet. Özer mentioned that assassinations were carried out by Russian Agents and no indictment was prepared on the subject despite all so far.

Government must take up the assassinations attempted against Chechens.

Chairman Murat Özer mentioned that new assassinations may be committed if they are not taken up adding; “Chechens living in Turkey are not protected by any manner against threats of Russia and even they are named in the hit list of collaborationist Ramazan Kadirov. Chechens must live in physical impossibilities rather than being protected against assassinations. Government must immediately take up against assassinations against Chechens and must recognize refugee status of Chechens living in Turkey. However, Chechens do not have even refugee status.“

At least let residence permits are renewed

Murat Özer said that Chechens must renew residence permit every year since they do not have refugee status. “Since the resistance is spread out to all Caucasia crossing borders of Chechnya, many women and children of Circassian, Turkish and Daghestan people are going on coming to Turkey other than Chechens. These people may go to Europe. They may have refugee status in Europe and health and education rights and may live more comfortable there. However they are coming to Turkey they deem as Ottoman‘s grandchildren and have a Muslim society. But we even do not recognize refugee status of our brothers and sisters.“ Özer said that Chechen and Caucasia origin immigrants coming to our country do not have residence permit and they are waiting for said permissions from the ministry of Internal Affairs.

If resistance is over, why orphans?

Murat Özer Imkander Chairman evaluated statements of Ramzan Kadirov Russian supported President of Chechnya published in Turkish media and responded his statement telling that “The is no jihad but dance“.

Kadirov will dance well

Özer: “Russian collaborationist traitor Kadirov spoke according to his own habit. He is having parties with the money given by Putin like a charity from billions of dollars stolen from Chechnya while going on torturing wives of mujahedeen.  Western human right associations even Russian NGOs are telling how Kadirov is a heartless and cruel man. If the jihad is over in Caucasia as he said, who left these children orphans we are trying to take care. He can dance. But he must know that cruelty may not continue until the end of time. He must draw a lesson from ends of Bin Ali and Mubarak. When Russia have to leave the land it invaded, then Kadirov will dance well. We are waiting that day patiently.“

Our Activities
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