We address Turkish Government (Video)

Imkander held a press conference participated by Chief Commander of Caucasian Mujahedeen Dokko Umarov’s brother Vaha Umarov upon news with title “Chechnyan Separatist Leader Threatened Turkey” published last two days in Turkish media.

We address Turkish Government Video

Murat Özer spoke in the meeting told that explanations of Umarov were falsified by Russian and European media and Anatolian agency quoted such news resources falsified Turkish public and media with such false news.

Özer told in his speech that: Anatolian Agency operated under Prime Ministry which is official news agency of Turkey announced the news to Turkish media of Caucasian resistance chief commander Dokko Umarov as“ Russian Chechnya Separatist leader Doku Umarov, threatened Turkey blaming Chechen murders in September in Istanbul. Umarov alleged that Chechens were murdered by Russian agents tolerated by Turkish intelligence units in video published in “kavkazcenter.com“ website of Chechnya press organ. Umarov announced that they will retaliate Turkey as a reaction to Chechen murders.“ announced to the public and media. Yet, full text of the said statement was published in kavkazcenter.com website which is news agency of the resistance. Anatolian Agency published the news translated from news agencies of Europe and Russia knowingly distorted instead of publishing from directly a a news agency published in Turkish language. He reacted mentioning “we are able to desist from telling “did russians started to work in anatolian agency?" against such a unfair attitude imcompatible with fair reporting understanding of state official news agency.


Why are Turkish Judgement authorities silent to murders?

Murat Özer expressing that Turkish judgement authorities as well as Government did shirk their responsibility on the murders acted in Istanbul and exemplified the murder acted in Umraniye: Özer emphasized as follows: Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor‘s Office rejected “Judicial Assistance Request“ of Paris-France Public Prosecutor Office on the case going on for Islam Canibekov murdered in the street in ıstanbul, 2008. French judicial authorities mentioned that Russia and collaborationist Kadirov regime have their hands in the murders of Chechnyan resistors in Europe although none of them acted in their own country and emphasized that Kadirov‘s terror organization arranged terror actions in whole world by support of Russia. Paris Public Prosecutor's Office requested “judicial assistance and cooperation“ from Turkish authorities to prevent any probable murders to be acted in their own country and Istanbul Public Prosecutor‘s office responded following meaningful letter: According to the prosecutor‘s office, murders acted in Istanbul are not “in a quality to evaluate as terror action“ and therefore judicial cooperation is not required since they were “non-political crime“.

Özer addressed Turkish Government: “Find offenders of the murders acted in our country. At least be decisive against these political murders breaking your silence. Otherwise, Russia and its intelligence services encouraged from your silence will continue to commit murders in our country.“

Then Avukat Bülent Demir took the floor and mentioned that they could not understand why Judgment authorities are alienated to this subject despite Paris Public Prosecutor‘s office is sensitive related to this subject. Demir shared official correspondences with media related to the subject.

Vaha Umarov, Dokko Umarov‘s brother took the floor after Demir said his brother may not threaten Turkey who is chief commander of mujahedeen expressing his regret twisted call for help started by an explanation with the word “brother“ to Turkey and Turkish people. Umarov, “resistors respected all laws and rules required by being guest in Turkey so far. Turkish people stood by us always. Let us not be deceived by Russia who try to destroy our friendship. But, Turkish Government must start doing something on the situation soon and must not let Russian agents do whatever they want in this land.

IMKANDER Public Information Office

Press statement‘s text is as follows.

Video: Murat Özer                        Video: Av. Bülent Demir            Video: Vaha Umarov



When will Turkish Government break its silence.

How many chechen must die!

67 days past after murders committed against 3 Chechen veterans under daylight in Istanbul. Not even a single expression was made on the issue by Turkish Government or Police Department. Statement of Dokko Umarov, leader of resistance addressing Turkish Government and people related to the murders of 5 Chechen 3 of whom are commanders announced to the public as distorted.

Anatolian Agency operated under Prime Ministry which is official news agency of Turkey announced the news to Turkish media of Caucasian resistance chief commander Dokko Umarov as“ Russian Chechnya Separatist leader Doku Umarov, threatened Turkey blaming Chechen murders in September in Istanbul. Umarov alleged that Chechens were murdered by Russian agents tolerated by Turkish intelligence units in video published in “kavkazcenter.com“ website of Chechnya press organ. Umarov announced that they will retaliate Turkey as a reaction to Chechen murders.“ announced to the public and media.

Yet, full text of the said statement was published in kavkazcenter.com website which is news agency of the resistance. Anatolian Agency published the news translated from news agencies of Europe and Russia knowingly distorted instead of publishing from directly a a news agency published in Turkish language. We are able to desist from telling “did Russians started to work in anatolian agency?" against such a unfair attitude imcompatible with fair reporting understanding of state official news agency.

Full text of the explanation was published in Turkish language in various media organizations. Video record of the speech is being published in websites such as kavkazcenter at the same time. Dokko Umarov started his speech telling “I would like to address Turkish people, my brothers and sisters, Muslim People of Turkey, Turkish security services, President Gul and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan“ and added: “I would like to address you related to the events occurred in your country recently. We must not forget that we are members of one single religious community. We are religious fellows and supported each other always, because we worship to one single Allah.“

Turkey was not threatened in any part of the statement and one sentence which could be considered as threatening was as follows: “I would like to ask you once more and to encourage you to take measures to prevent invaders to harm your Caucasian brothers and sisters. If we retaliate, in that case Russia will never think to commit murder even one single Caucasian in your country.“ As it is seen, Turkish was not threatened but Russia!

Dokko Umarov stated in his statement that: “We ask you not to permit such illegality occurred in your country for Allah‘s sake. We love you for Allah‘s sake and call you to love us for Allah‘s sake and to protect your brothers in your country.“

It is obvious that Umarov reproached addressing Turkish Government and people. Murderers of 5 veterans killed by Russian intelligence services in the street in Istanbul knowing that they were unarmed and defenseless could not be found even their photographs, during entrance to and exit from Turkey, their names and relations are published and no investigation was carried out.

Such silence of Turkish Government and such attitude of Turkish Judgment authorities ignoring such murders encourages Russia and Russian intelligence organizations. Words are exhausted when crime organizations of Russia tried to commit assasination to Şemsuddin Batukaev previous religious authority of Chechnya within 20 days after said murders committed by Russian crime organizations. Offender of said assasination attempt blocked by Chechen immigrants jumping to the gun is remanded but his connections and instigators are free. Such situation is because Turkish Judgment authorities undervalue such POLITICAL murders committed in Turkey.

Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor‘s Office rejected “Judicial Assistance Request“ of Paris-France Public Prosecutor Office on the case going on for Islam Canibekov murdered in the street in Istanbul, 2008. French judicial authorities mentioned that Russia and collaborationist Kadirov regime have their hands in the murders of Chechnyan resistors in Europe although none of them acted in their own country and emphasized that Kadirov‘s terror organization arranged terror actions in whole world by support of Russia. Paris Public Prosecutor's Office requested “judicial assistance and cooperation“ from Turkish authorities to prevent any probable murders to be acted in their own country and Istanbul Public Prosecutor‘s office responded following meaningful letter: According to the Public prosecutor‘s office, murders committed in Istanbul are “not terror actions“. Therefore, judicial cooperation is not needed since they were “non-political crimes“.

Attitude of Turkish judgment authorities is obvious in addition to the silence of Turkish Government. We Imkander trying to provide material and spiritual support to Caucasian immigrants fighting for survival under difficult conditions are addressing once more to both Government and judicial authorities.

Find offenders of the murders acted in our country. At least be decisive against these political murders breaking your silence. Otherwise, Russia and its intelligence services encouraged from your silence will continue to commit murders in our country.“

Murat Özer





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We delivered sacrificial meat to tens of thousands of people.

The Kemal Karaca Complex is open for service

The Kemal Karaca Complex, which we built as MKANDER in Uganda, Africa, was bring into service.

Ramadan support to Syria continues

During the month of Ramadan in Africa, we contribute to the climate of brotherhood by setting up tables of hearts every day.

Food and winter clothing aid in al-Bab

In the refugee camps in al-Bab, Syria, we delivered hot meals to one thousand 200 families and winter clothes to 650 children.

They ll be remembered with mercy until eternity

IMKANDER continues to drill water wells in Africa in the name of the Martyrs of July the 15th.

We delivered the sacrifices to the aggrieved

Our brothers wait in hope under the shadow of a fierce war.

We shared our table in Ramadan

During the holy month of Ramadan, IMKANDER endeavoured to contribute to the solidarity of brotherhood with iftar tables in Syria and Africa.