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Training in Our Cultural Center

IMKANDER Başak-Caucasian Center Gives Start Signal for 2012-2013 Period after 3-Year Successful training activities

Training in Our Cultural Center

 We have initiated our work for Survey Center on behalf of the emigrants deprived of means of schooling under the cover of residence issues. We’ve received great deal of interest by the families forced to migrate to Turkey from different areas of Islamic zones (mainly from Caucasia) last year.

The center exclusively serves to the emigrant people, where the free training is provided to the boys and girls seated separated from each other.  The effort is made to provide training in 4 languages including mainly Arabic, Turkish, Russian and Chechenian languages, in the fields of the social sciences and fundamental algebra, in addition to religious training.

The teachers of our İMKANDER Başak Caucasian Cultural Center are mainly emigrant women, in addition a Turkish teacher, assigned by People Training Management for providing Turkish training to the pupil.

There are 65 students attending to our center, mainly consisted from orphans.  Pointing out further application for training, Murat Özer, General President,  İMKANDER , continued: “Unfortunately we aren’t able to accept all these who look for involvement and we sorry for that.  We need additional premises.  We will be welcomed to those who would like to give their helping hand to us.”

The stationary and gifts donated to our association on the occasion of inauguration of new training year are distributed among our pupils.

Those who would like to donate the stationary to our pupil trained within our cultural center may contact to İMKANDER.


Our Activities
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They ll be remembered with mercy until eternity

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We shared our table in Ramadan

During the holy month of Ramadan, IMKANDER endeavoured to contribute to the solidarity of brotherhood with iftar tables in Syria and Africa.