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Syrian Children Now Happy

İMKANDER’S donation teams distributed provisions in the county near Aleppo. Lost their family members due to the war, Syrian people were somewhat happy due to the candies donated.

Syrian Children Now Happy

Human Being and Brothership Association (İMKANDER) - İnsanı Müdafa ve Kardeşlik Derneği continues donation activities in Syria.  The donation teams distributed the donation materials including baby food, basic nutrition, blankets and tents within the counties like Ed Dana, Dar-et Izze, Zarzita, and Faturah located near Aleppo.


Murat Özer, President of İMKANDER, accompanied to the donation activities together with Volkan Akkaya, Secretary General of the Association made an announced and said: “Under the attempt made for the normalization within the regions under the control of the opponents, there is no production activity conducted in the large industrial sectors of the country, including Aleppo, since the life has been completely paralyzed. For this reason, there is extreme necessity for the basic nutrition substances like baby food, which calls for the industrial activity.  Under the imminence of cold weather and lack of electricity and fuel supply in innumerable settlement areas, it is necessary to deliver generators, blankets, tents and conserved foods in particular to the hospitals. We request our charitable people to focus on these requirements.”


Also pointing out the problems of the local immigrants in Syria, Özer added: “You are confronted with the tent cities right after you first step in Syria.  There are tent cities within all border gates and villages nearby, in particular Cilvegözü border gate.  On the other hand, we’ve faced with the difficulties in conveying our donations.  Turkey’s introduced additional provisions on the donations.  We request easing these proceedings.”

Conveying donation to Dar-et Izze Hospital, the donation team did not left the children alone. Being in genuine trauma due to the ongoing war for about two years and lost their family members, Syrian children were happy about the candies donated by the donation teams. 

Conducting its activities with its motto “We are Single Ummah from Caucasia to Middle East”, İMKANDER will continue its effort to deliver donation to Syrian people.  The charitable people may convey their donations to the Association via Internet address.

Our Activities
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