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Özer: Stop Assad, the Monster, End Further Orphans”

Pointing out hundreds of orphans as a result of the attacks of tyrant regime in Syria every other day, Murat Özer, President of İMKANDER, in his speech delivered during convention held by World Orphans Foundation-Dünya Yetimler Vakfı, added: “Stop the monster!”

Özer Stop Assad the Monster End Further Orphans

Pointing out the fact that there were 165 millions orphans in the world, Yüksel Çavuşoğlu, the president of Dünya Yetimler ve Eğitim Vakfı-World Orphans and Training Foundation, added: “We will determine the orphan population in Turkey with our new project.  We are assigned to extend helping hand, to caress and to protect the orphans while they can go alone by themselves.”


 Dünya Yetimler ve Eğitim Vakfı held a press conference in Barcelo  Eresin Topkapı Oteli with the participation of innumerable non-governmental organization, to draw public attention to the rapid increase in the orphan population throughout the world.


During the meeting also participated by ÖZGÜRDER,  Yeşilay-Geen Crescent,  and  İMKANDER in addition to other charitable organizations, Yüksel Çevuşoğlu, the president of Dünya Yetimler ve Eğitim Vakfı, said that the ongoing wars in poor countries of the world was nothing but the plot of the colonial and weapon manufacturing countries.


Muharrem Balcı, President of Green Crescent, said that it was praiseworthy to expense orphan’s needs and contributing their education, in particular world-wide attacks of the multi-national companies seeking the ways to enslaving by addicting the children and young people.

In his speech delivered by Murat Özer, President of İMKANDER, he said that it was indispensible to fight against the orders of the imperialist occupation and torture regimes, should the phenomenon of the orphans throughout the world be eliminated.  Özer continued:  “Today, we may be able to confine the orphan population ever increasing throughout the world, if we support raising resistances against the torture of the regimes like in Syria, as well as other countries like China’s torture regime ruled in East Turkistan, Russia in Caucasia and Middle East and US in Middle East and Africa.  Otherwise, we would confine ourselves to deal with the outcomes of progresses. The fight against tyrant regime in Syria should be supported by all non-governmental regimes.  The states should immediately ensure banning Syrian airspace against military flights.  By this way, it might be possible to stop the regime that execution warrant to its own people by bombing attacks.

In his statement to AA correspondent, Abdurrahman Ali Muhammed, who was taken away from Somali by and provided donation of World Orphans Foundation for living, said that the foundation contributed to his university education. He added: “They helped me a lot.  I thank them all.  May God be pleased from all of them.”


The declaration, entitled “No Children Left Orphan” was read aloud at the end of press conference.  The declaration emphasized the bitter fact that millions of children and young people left as orphans and further included that “It is not sufficient to give helping hand to all orphans. We are determined to keep after all oppressed people as well. The orphans may be meaningless for the tyrants, but they are our assets in our awakening and very existence. Irrespective wherever they are living, it is our task to stop and fight against the tyrants, prevent malignancy and prevent the wars.”


The Declaration was backed by , AKDAV, AKV, ASDER, BEYAZEL, BİSEG, Deniz Feneri, İMKANDER, İSRA, ÖZGÜRDER, TGTV, UMRAN, Yardımeli, Yeşilay (Green Crescent), YETİMCE and YETİMDER.  

Our Activities
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