IMKANDER Association > Our Activities |

Our Children Program in Ramadan

We conducted our customary Ramadan celebration on the 2nd day of Ramadan Bairam. We had a splendid program with our children, who mostly consisted of emigrant war orphans.

Our Children Program in Ramadan

 It was really splendid since we were all together with our children, who mostly consisted of emigrant war orphan, which has been turned out to be customary as it was during previous programs in Ramadan.

We were together with our families of war emigrants to celebrate our Ramadan celebration program in Fatih Renk Premises on 2nd day of Ramadan Bayiram, who were under the care of İMKANDER.

The celebration program, also participated by the charity people, in addition to our emigrant families,  was inaugurated by the speech delivered by Murat Özer, General President,  İMKANDER,  Referring to the occupation ongoing in Caucasia, Özer said that at current course of history it was possible to encounter Caucasian Mujahidin in any resistance battlefields, in addition to Caucasia or Syria.

Following the performance of Chant on Koran by our children trained within İMKANDER Başak-Caucasian Center, Şemsuddin Batukayev, former kadi of Chechenian Sharia Courts delivered a speech on the significance of Ramadan.

Following the meal offer, the program was staged by the children who took part as clowns of Misreading Hoca, Karagöz-Hacivat characters.  At the end of a splendid day for the children enjoyed with games like face painting, gags, and plays,  Adem Özköse, Journalist and Author, donated children’s bairam pocket monies.

Chanting in their Arabic, Turkish and Russian mother languages, their happiness  could be seen from their eyes.

In addition to their pocket monies, they were also granted with the toys and candies, finally they were taken shots in ensemble at the stage.  There were so many authors, non-governmental organizations and politicians in person and by proxies to state their solidarity with Caucasian resistance.


Our Activities
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The Kemal Karaca Complex is open for service

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Ramadan support to Syria continues

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Food and winter clothing aid in al-Bab

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They ll be remembered with mercy until eternity

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We delivered the sacrifices to the aggrieved

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We shared our table in Ramadan

During the holy month of Ramadan, IMKANDER endeavoured to contribute to the solidarity of brotherhood with iftar tables in Syria and Africa.