One More Chechen is Being Returned

Asylum application of Mikail Bogatyrev waited in Ataturk Airport to return was not accepted.

One More Chechen is Being Returned

We have been informed that Mikail Bogatyrev, Chechen student we were not permitted to meet despite all our attempts who was waited in Ataturk Airport for 3 days will be sent to Egypt to return to Russia late in the evening.

Elder brother of Mikail studying in Ezher University in Egypt was martyrized previously in recent years.

Arife Gökkaya Mazlumder‘s Lawyer and Murat Özer Imkander‘s Chairman issued a press statement in the airport today for our this brother we believe he would be returned to Russia in case he is returned to Egypt.

Police did not accept Mikail‘s petition applying for asylum to Turkish Authorities with a written application. Arife Gökkaya Mazlumder‘s Lawyer stated that they will make a denunciation on the police officers keeping record in the venue stating that Turkish police committed crime according to international laws.

Mariam Bogatyreva burst into tears elder sister of Mikail living in Turkey who came to the venue. Mariam stated that she could not receive any news from her brother since Egypt would return him to Russia and addressed to the authorities “please, we do not deserve this treatment“.

Murat Özer said “we could not understand recent attitude of Government of Turkish Republic to Chechen people“.

Our association was informed that Mikail felt faint in the cell he was kept in but police did not call for ambulance.

We will share details with you on the subject.


Our Activities
Tümünü gör

We started "Giveaway Food Donation" Campaign for our sisters and brothers in the earthquake area.

We delivered your sacrifices to the people in need

We delivered sacrificial meat to tens of thousands of people.

The Kemal Karaca Complex is open for service

The Kemal Karaca Complex, which we built as MKANDER in Uganda, Africa, was bring into service.

Ramadan support to Syria continues

During the month of Ramadan in Africa, we contribute to the climate of brotherhood by setting up tables of hearts every day.

Food and winter clothing aid in al-Bab

In the refugee camps in al-Bab, Syria, we delivered hot meals to one thousand 200 families and winter clothes to 650 children.

They ll be remembered with mercy until eternity

IMKANDER continues to drill water wells in Africa in the name of the Martyrs of July the 15th.

We delivered the sacrifices to the aggrieved

Our brothers wait in hope under the shadow of a fierce war.

We shared our table in Ramadan

During the holy month of Ramadan, IMKANDER endeavoured to contribute to the solidarity of brotherhood with iftar tables in Syria and Africa.