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Killer Putin Protested in Istanbul

Vladimir Putin was protested in front of Russian Consulate in Istanbul Well known with his policies of occupation and torture against Caucasian people and also popular with his support to tyrant Assad’s regime, Vladimir Putin, Russian President was protested in front of Russian Consulate on account of his visit to Turkey.

Killer Putin Protested in Istanbul

“Assad’s Protector and Caucasian Killer Murderer Russia!”

The crowd gathered in front of Galatasaray Square upon call by İMKANDER ve Özgür-Der marched toward the Russian Consulate. Also backed by Mustazaf-Der, the movement was initiated by the inauguration speech of Murat Ayar.  Unfurling banners inscribing “Assad’s Protector and Caucasian Killer Murderer Russia!”, “Putin, Accessory of Tyrant Assad Go Home!”, “Killer Russia, Go Home from Syria”, “Long Live Muslim Independent Caucasia, “Make Caucasia  Grave of Russia”, “Long Live Free Caucasus!”, “Our Martyrs Our Pride!”, while the slogans were shouted aloud together with the other banners inscribing “Killer Russia Go Home from Syria”, “Listen Russia!, We Checnyan, Circassian, Dagestani, Karachai and Nogays!”.  “We Neither Knee Nor Surrender!”.  “We Are Afraid of God, not from You, Even If Death and Buried!”, “Killer Russia, Go Home from Caucasia”.


No Power on Blood and Tear”

Rıdvan Kaya, President of Özgür Der said that Russia was well known with her massacres for some time. He continued: “Putin’s regime serves on behalf of Baas despotism for 2 years, just because of his own benefits.” Pointing out the vanity of the long-lasting power based on the blood shed, Rıdvan Kaya continued that Putin would never be forgiven by Muslim society due to his support to the massacre.  In his speech, Kaya made a call to Russian people and requested: “The people shouldn’t be enemies to each other; you should raise your voice against those who torture to the innocent people.” Reminding the fact that any benefit on behalf of the regime can in no way be the sufficient reason for killing a baby boy, Rıdvan Kaya said that Syrian people should be backed in their fight against corrupted Assad Regime.


“Imperialism Retreated and Muslim Resistance Succeeded”

In his speech delivered by Murat Özer, President of İMKANDER, he said that the Muslim people knew Russia as occupant nation, as indicated her cooperation with Syrian Regime in the massacre to the innocent people, as it was in Bosnia, Caucasia and once in Anatolia.  Pointing out the necessity for the government to refrain from establishing strategic or military relations with Putin Government, leading a regime in Russia that was responsible for Muslim people’s blood shed as an occupying power.  Özer continued: “We know Russia with her occupant armies surrounded Erzurum.  We know her with our 90 thousand sons martyrized in Allahüekber Mountains.  We know him from Bosnia, Chechnya and Afghanistan.  We know very well Russians’ occupant and slaughtering faces.  We request Turkey know Russia with her true face and act accordingly.


Reminding Muslims’ stand against USA in Iraqi Occupation, Russia in Afghani Occupation, China in Eastern Turkistan Occupation, Özer said that all of a sudden those nationalist-Kemalist circles busy in their effort for hiding Syrian massacres discovered the imperialism.   Emphasizing the fact that those who support Russia and Assad Regime should be considered as those who performed these massacres, Özer concluded his speech with a slogan: “Down With Imperialism, Long Live Muslim Resistance!”.


“Tyrants Faith All The Same”

Sait Şahin, member of Mustazaflar Association reacted in his speech to all tyrants dominating in the world.  Pointing out the fact that the Muslims were all by the side of all the oppressed people on the earth, Şahin added that the Westerners were smuggling the wealth of the Islamic Geography by assigning the dictators to rule the Muslims in their design works of the world in last century.  Defining the recent developments in Middle East as awakening of Muslim people,
Şahin added that the people would subvert the dictators in Chechnya and Syria, at it haven been in Libya and Egypt.   Reminding the fate of the tyrants would have been all the same, Şahin concluded his speech by referring the oppressed people’s option to die instead of living under the shame.


“Turkey’s Helping Hand to Immigrants”

A lady from Caucasia delivering the last speech in the movement said that Turkish Government should give her helping hand to the immigrants from Caucasia and Syria and that review her relations with murderer Russian regime.


“Killer Putin Go Home from Istanbul”

The slogans shouted during the movement included “Killer Putin, Go Home from Syria!”, “Killer Putin Go Home from Caucasia!”, “Killer Putin Go Home from Istanbul!”, “Killer USA Go Home From Middle East!”, “Down with Imperialism, Long Live Islamic Resistance!”, ““Lebbeyk Lebbeyk Lebbeyk Ya Allah!”, “Muslim People Brothers!”, “Killer Assad Go Home from Syria!”, “Caucasian People Not Alone!”. 



































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