Deportation of Refugees Unacceptable!

Turkish Government should immediately stop oppressive and inhuman treatments towards the refugees immediately. We call the government for taking refugees under its wing by observing articles of brotherhood rather than desires of the countries of dicta regimes intruding the lands of Muslims, oppressing their people like Russia.

Deportation of Refugees Unacceptable

Deportation of Refugees Unacceptable!


Despising treatments and policies disregarding the lives safety against Muslim immigrants under progress at them have always been before. The last example of this is the agony of Peter Bogdahn, who decided to live inTurkey with his family upon change his religion. He was first taken under custody on thin excuses; however, he was deported toGermany after he was sent to Kumkapı Foreigner Department after he was found is innocent. Other Muslim immigrants who resisted to deportation of Peter were also manhandled. NowRepublic ofTurkey is in the shame of deportation of a German who would like to live in a Muslim society to a country where the discrimination is growing in the course of wide spreading Neo-Nazi thought and even the circumcision is banned.

It is meaningful to indicate the harassment and illegality against the privacy of Lakhdar Abboud’a (Ebu Salih), Algerian originated, and his family. It is unacceptable to see Abbound holding by breaking into his house early in the morning by drawing on the ground like a simple offender in the very eyes of his family and children in tears while, even if it was left free by the Attorney Generalship without necessity of bringing into the court and put into Kumkapı Foreigners Department in an arbitrary manner. Abboud is about to be deported toAlgeria, even if he is an immigrant as provided hum by UN. Ebu Salih will absolutely be condemned to death if he is deported toAlgeria, where the government is in force upon coup d’état, guilty of the death of about 100 thousand innocent people. It is clear that it will in fact be Turkish Government in guilt of death of a Muslim who is given the status of immigrant by UN.

Turkish Government should immediately stop oppressive and inhuman treatments towards the refugees immediately. We call the government for taking refugees under its wing by observing articles of brotherhood rather than desires of the countries of dicta regimes intruding the lands of Muslims, oppressing their people likeRussia.

Murat Özer

IMKANDER General President

Our Activities
Tümünü gör

We started "Giveaway Food Donation" Campaign for our sisters and brothers in the earthquake area.

We delivered your sacrifices to the people in need

We delivered sacrificial meat to tens of thousands of people.

The Kemal Karaca Complex is open for service

The Kemal Karaca Complex, which we built as MKANDER in Uganda, Africa, was bring into service.

Ramadan support to Syria continues

During the month of Ramadan in Africa, we contribute to the climate of brotherhood by setting up tables of hearts every day.

Food and winter clothing aid in al-Bab

In the refugee camps in al-Bab, Syria, we delivered hot meals to one thousand 200 families and winter clothes to 650 children.

They ll be remembered with mercy until eternity

IMKANDER continues to drill water wells in Africa in the name of the Martyrs of July the 15th.

We delivered the sacrifices to the aggrieved

Our brothers wait in hope under the shadow of a fierce war.

We shared our table in Ramadan

During the holy month of Ramadan, IMKANDER endeavoured to contribute to the solidarity of brotherhood with iftar tables in Syria and Africa.