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İMKANDER stands by war immigrant during sacrifice holiday

İMKANDER Teams organize events on behalf of the war immigrants located in Turkey, Syria and Pankisi Valley located on Georgia Chechnia borders.

İMKANDER stands by war immigrant during sacrifice holiday

Having sheltered within more secure regions like Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia, the countries undergoing confrontation and occupations, the war immigrants have been happy once again thanks to the sacrifice organizations also held this year.


İMKANDER, as Human Right and Benefaction Organization in regard to meeting the legal and basic requirements of the war immigrants, has organized sacrifice activities within and outside the country as has been in last year.


Located in Syria and Turkey, in addition to Pankisi Valley at the border of Chechnya, hottest region of Caucasia, the war immigrants were provided with the sacrifice meat.


Pankisi: War Immigrants’ Valley


There are now about 10 thousand people fromChechnyasheltered inPankisiValley.  Caucasian war immigrants mostly consisted fromChechnyapeople  have established an immigrant town in the valley.  Pankisi is a 34-km long valley located at Northeast Georgia,  stretching fromBorbaloMountainsalongAlazaniRiver.  Kist People, classified under Vainakh Group  live in Pankisi, where the central organization lacks dominating the region.  Kist people use their mother language in their society.  However, the formal language is used in education.


Video on Georgia Pankisi Sacrifice Organization 





Sacrifice Celebrations in Syria under Bombs


The sacrifice holiday was celebrated inSyriaunder bombing.


Setting out road to convey the donation to the Syrian people resisting to Assad’s regime and its supporters,  İMKANDER has concluded the sacrifice organizations inAleppoand Idlib under ongoing confrontation.


Murat Özer, İMKANDER’s President joined to the team leading the sacrifice organization in Idlib and its surrounding locations.


During the first day of the holiday, the children were out on the street to celebrate puckery holiday.  Upon completion of the distribution of the sacrifice meat, the team set headed towardsAleppo.


The airplane bombing continued all the way to Aleppo against the operations initiated by the insurgents early in the morning for rescue of Aleppo Prison, where 4200 prisoners, including women and political figures.

 Video on Syrian Sacrifice Organization



Bombing of the airplanes continued around Sheikh Neccar Industrial Region and its surrounding near the prison.


İMKANDER team reached to the region late in the night.  Bombing continued all night long.


During early hours in the morning when bombing ceased, the team set road to celebrate children’s holiday together with the people going out. 

Offering pastry and chocolate to the children, the team walked about the houses for the distribution sacrifice meat and baby food. The sacrifice meat delivered to the people living inAleppoand Idlib while bombing by the airplanes continued.


Increase in number of immigrants in Turkey


The population of immigrant in Turkey continues growing together with those migrating from several parts of Caucasia, in addition to Central Asian countries where intensive oppressions on Islam are witnessed in countries like Uzbekistan and Eastern Turkistan under occupation of Chine, let alone those Syrian immigrants leaving the country as a result of heavy confrontation.


Video on Turkish Sacrifice Organization

Offering pastry and chocolate to the children, the team walked about the houses for the distribution sacrifice meat and baby food. The sacrifice meat delivered to the people living inAleppoand Idlib while bombing by the airplanes continued. 

Tümünü gör
Idlib Apr� s moi le d� luge

Due to the lack of tangible solutions from world powers on the ground, another mass refugee exodus from Syria is looming, threatening the peace of millions of innocent local people

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